Contact Us

Feel free to contact us by sending us your opinions and questions via mail or simply give us a call 888-270-6092. Our customer service is available at any time of the day and night. Our customers are our Number 1 priority and we won’t keep you waiting if you decide to give us a call today. Moreover, we reply to all mails within 24 hr period except on weekends. We never get tired of helping our client if it means that our advice will help them make a good decision.

We are really interested in hearing from you. Why don’t you take a few minutes and write to us about how we can better our website or services as per your liking. Remember, we do not offer medical device, for that you will need to contact you doctor or any other qualified physicians. If you are unsure of what product to get then a specialist may assist you on this and not us

In the event you want to change or cancel your order then contact us so that we can help you accordingly. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with our services and wish to make a complain, then our customer service is available to take down what you have to say. We take your comment as our customer very serious and we will always make our website user friendly and cater your needs.

All refunds and exchanges can be claim by the buy by contacting our customer service within 180 days. Once we receive your request via mail or call we will go ahead and complete it on time. If you are not satisfied with our latest customer service, please let us know and we will use this information to better our customer service and make you happy next time.

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